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but what do i know

A part of decolonization for Natives Is asking yourself why you always harshly critique other Natives. We all fall into this trap. I always hear about how bad cultural gatekeepers are yet we all become those same gatekeepers just in different forms. Are we doing this work in a good way? Are we using our voices to shame others? Are we empowering the ones we critique or just empowering ourselves? Do we feel we are the sole arbiter of community "accountability"? It takes a lot of inner work to communicate in a good way. It takes a lot more to finally change our own behaviors.

How do we share what we've learned?


When Natives obtain whyte academia achievement then use it to criticize other Natives: You're doing it wrong. Don't forget the cultural teachings and laws. How do we treat others? How do we speak truth with our heart? Don't forfeit culture for westernized ways of thinking. If you care about our people then care about our people - even if they do wrong.



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